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P. 42
A) Mentoring
When a mentor and mentee develop a relationship, it passes through several
Initiation stage.
This stage is defined by two individuals who enter a mentor and
mentee relationship. They traditionally meet through either professional
connections or personal networking. Mentors often seek to mentor talented or
“coachable” individuals, while mentees seek mentors who possess the sort of
experience and connections, they need to further their careers.
Cultivation stage.
In the cultivation stage, the focus is on learning, development and growth.
Examples of this might include:
• Learning how to work more effectively
• Completing challenging assignments
• Increasing a mentee's exposure within his or her organization
• Mentee sponsoring
• Giving and accepting general advice
This phase is particularly rewarding because of the interpersonal bonds that
tend to form during this time. In addition, the mentee may give back, teaching
the mentor about things such as new technologies, methodologies and any
emerging industry issues.
Separation stage.
At this stage, the relationship comes to an end. Amicable separations
often happen because mentees feel as though there is nothing left to learn, or
they want to form their own identity outside the context of their mentor.
Problematic separations occur if only one party wants to separate.
In this final stage, the mentor and mentee may continue their
relationship on redefined terms. If this stage is successfully navigated, the two
can develop into amiable colleagues and even friends.
A) Mentoring ³¹