Page 6 - Apprenticeship book.cdr
P. 6

A) Views and perceptions

                                                                                                              Get there early.

                                                                                                                     In the beginning, it's important to make a good impression and to
                                                                                                              show up on time. Make sure you're there early enough to get fully prepared and
                                                                                                              changed, if necessary, to start your shift. Be there 10-15 minutes before your
                                                                                                              shift starts. Budget your time well in advance, giving yourself an extra 30-40
                                                                                                              minutes as a buffer for things like traffic, getting lost, and finding parking.
                                                                                                                     If you must take public transportation, or your new workplace is
                                                                                                              somewhere you're unfamiliar with, take the trip a few days ahead of time to
                                                                                                              make sure you know exactly how long it will take.

                                                                                                                     It is important not to stay beyond the time you're scheduled. Leaving
                                                                                                              late may indicate that you are not able to budget your time effectively. Impress
                                                                                                              your employer by arriving early enough to prepare for the day, then leave when
                                                                                                              you are finished.

                                                                                                              Listen and apply what you hear.
                                                                                                                     You won't be expected to excel right away at most jobs band most
                                                                                                              employers know that there will be a learning curve with new hires. So, don't
                                                                                                              worry so much about making mistakes and messing up in the beginning, but
                                                                                                              focus on learning as much as possible and listening closely to make sure you
                                                                                                              don't miss things.
                                                                                                                     Be conscious of your learning style. If you are a hands-on learner, for
                                                                                                              example, ask the person training you to walk you through a task rather than
                                                                                                              having you watch them.
                                                                                                                     Take a notepad or notebook with you so that you can take down
                                                                                                              important points during your training.  Make it your goal to only make a mistake
                                                                                                              once. If your boss tells you how to do something, listen and remember so you
                                                                                                              won't have to ask again.
                                                                                                              Don't be afraid to ask questions.

                                                                                                                     Lots of new employees will be too sheepish to ask questions and will
        PART 1                                                                                                blunder into doing things incorrectly. Know enough to know when you need
                                                                                                              help. There's no shame in asking for help, especially on your first day. It will be
                                                                                                              better to have it explained once and be sure you will do it right than to try to
                                                                                                              guess and get exposed later.
        A)  Views and perceptions
                                                                                                              Try to anticipate what needs to happen next.
                                                                                                                     The process of every workplace is very different. Even if you're skilled
                                                                                                              and talented, it takes some time to figure out what needs to happen, and in
                                                                                                              what order.  The best way to stand out on your first day as a good worker is to
                                                                                                              try to analyse the situation and figure out what needs to happen next. At some
                                                                                                              jobs, your first day can involve a lot of standing around and watching. Jump in
                                                                                                              when you see an opening.
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